
Monday 4 August 2014


S.J Story Library
Triathlete Sam
By Ailsa Newton
Answer the following questions in red:
Are the following statements true or false - you need to give evidence from the text to support your answer.

Sam joined the running team when he started university. False
The world championships were in Cancun.  True
Triathlons consist of swimming, cycling and long jump. False
The day before the race Sam injured his big toe. False
Sam found reading and writing difficult at school.  False
A wetsuit is a cotton suit for wearing in the rain. True

What do the Greek words tri…meaning three……………………and athlon………………… mean.
(2) Name the 4 things that make a good athlete (pg 14). Now explain
what each word/term means. Use a dictionary/thesaurus for help
1. Fitness - Being physically fit and healthy
2. Confident - Feeling or showing confidence in oneself
3. Don’t give up - Pushing yourself
4. Train - Get prepared for what you are going to do.

The underlined words in the following text are either nouns or verbs. Verbs are doing words, Nouns are naming words like things, people, and places. Write each underlined word/s down and next to them put what they are. For example Sam –noun.
Bike - Noun
Helmet - Noun
Cycling - Verb

First, Sam and his supporters take his race bike, helmet, cycling shoes, and running shoes to the rack in the transition area. He then pumps up the bike tyres and shakes talc into his shoes so they’ll be easier to put on later

What makes a triathlete? Think about this question in regards to their personality, their mind frame, their strengths, and their weaknesses.

Participating in sports and don’t give up in what you are doing or playing and try your very best. Also being physically fit and healthy and felling or showing confidence in yourself. 
Get well prepared and practice heaps so once the time has come to show your talent you you be well ready and prepared.

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