
Thursday 30 May 2013

Marama and Ramondels movie


  1. This is a great movie that you have made Ramonadel for your DLO. I really enjoyed seeing your acting in front of a green screen. You also included some great facts that were well researched. Well done! For your next DLO work on the planning of your movie. This will give you more time on the production of the movie and make it that much more amazing!

  2. Thank you Mr Somerville for the comment.

  3. That is a great movie but you included the light switch in the film so maybe next time don't

  4. This is a cool movie but you can see the shelf and the light switch so maybe next time you should do your a movie in a bigger space or if you ani't allowed then you should crop it out but anyways well done and keep up the good work

    By Anisha M
