Wednesday, 11 December 2013
Tuesday, 26 November 2013
Tuesday, 12 November 2013
I heard a whisper
It was early in the morning cold and windy jack and his dad David was planning to go and on a adventure. Jack was playing with his friend once he came in the house they were packing their stuff and moving the table somewhere else. Jack said “ mum what is happening?” and the mum said “ we are going to have a party to night and then were are going to leave” jack said “ leave where?” we are going to go to another place” the mum said. Jack felt sad because he will be missing his friends.
The party has started Jack was up stairs with his friend play the same game it was the favourite game ever. The mum said “ jack we are leaving now” Jack was racing down the steps he stopped and he look at his house and he went to the car once he had finished saying good bye he leaned over to his mum and his mum hugged him. jack was sleeping while they were on their way to their new house once they have got their his mum woke him up and he slowly opened his eyes once he saw the house straight away he didn’t like it. Because it was surrounded by trees. jack heard a whisper when he went there but he wasn't scared because he was a brave little boy and he was only eight years old. Jack and his sister Lilly had to go find their bedroom Jack had a not really big one just a small simple room.
Jack was playing out side by himself because he was bored and had noone to play with but then after that he heard the same whisper again and he saw like a secret door that lead and the backyard he went in this sort of looking shed his mum saw him and then mum said “ hey what are you doing?” And jack said “ I am exploring” “okay” the mum said. He saw a window he opened his and went running through the woods until he saw a fence he went there and it was like a prison he saw a little boy and he was starving and Jack gave him a snack and the little boy that was in the prison was happy he has eaten.
He thanked Jack and the bell rang and he had to go and when jack went back home he never heard that voice again. And after then he kept going to that boy every day when it is 12 o'clock.
Monday, 4 November 2013
Writing test
They went to a farm when brad wasn't allowed but his friend was allowed. They couldn’t find their way out and there was a voice saying where are you going to Brad and brad friend didn’t hear until brad figured it out it was his mum so they found their way out and brad apologized to his mum and his mum forgave him and brad and his friend into the room and just played games
Start Writing Here:
I walking to the farm with my friends when I wasn't allowed to go. As we got closer to the farm I heard a voice saying where are you going I told my friend can you hear that? And he said “no” so he started to feel weird. As they were walking they found this sort of old looking farm it was dark in side you couldn’t see a thing.
But lucky his friend brought a torch he turned on his torch and it was scarey but their was nothing in their but just hay lying on the ground. Brad hears the same voice again “ where are you going?”
he was starting to feel scared so he was wondering if they could go and eat and his friend said “yeah sure” But the thing is they forgot which they came from so they didn’t go to the restaurant because they couldn’t find their way back.
Brad was scared cause he didn’t know what to do. So they just sat down. Something came from the shed and it was the same old voice again. “ Im starting to feel scared because I keep hearing that voice and it just won’t get away” Brad said in a shaky voice. His friend said “ what is it saying” Brad said “ it saying where are you going?” Brad friend said in a confused voice “ maybe umm someone is saying where are you going because that person dosen’t know where you're going I guess.”
After that Brad was thinking who doesn't know where I am going?as he was thing that voice came back then Brad just realized it was his mum. They stood up and found their way out. When they found their way out Brad ran to his mum and said “ sorry I went when I wasn't allowed to sorry” Brad mum said “ it’s alright I forgive you”
After that Brad and his friend went in his room and played games and that voice he heard never was heard again.
Wednesday, 30 October 2013
Labour Day
On labour day me and my sister went to my cousin house. We woke up got dressed and then we went to Silvia park. My aunty bought us heaps of stuff we even brought our own packet
of lollies. But we said " it's all right"
We had McDonald and then after that we waited for the taxi and went home and just play
and watch T.V.
of lollies. But we said " it's all right"
We had McDonald and then after that we waited for the taxi and went home and just play
and watch T.V.
Narrative\Rubric 2
Sandy invited her friends to have a sleepover. Then her friend came knocking on the door she opened it and she said “ hello thanks for coming” The friends said “ it all right” they came in sat down had some snack and just started to talk. After that that had a room each. Sandy was in her own room she was lying down on the bed and just reading her book so she could fall asleep. Her book fell down and it was all quiet when she closed her eyes her friends was in her mind and her self as well. Sandy and her friends went to a fun place to have some fun. There was a lot of things to do Their roller coasters there was some cars you could ride in there was just too much things.
Sandy went to the bumping car game she hopped in the car and she started to bump people and people started to bump her too. Her friends joined her and Sandy was just bumping her friends. Sandy started to get a sore head so she hopped out of the car and went and sat down. Her friends was just bumping each other but then they thought of Sandy. Rosco said “ where is sandy?” And the friends said “ I don’t know” So they hopped out of the car and went looking for Sandy. They went where the roller coaster she wasn’t there they went where where the show is she wasn’t anywhere.
But then the security came and they got kicked out because they messed everything and didn’t clean it up when they were told to clean it up. So once they got kicked out they weren’t Sandys friend anymore because she made her friends get in big trouble. So once it was closed she went out and she saw her friends and she said “ what are you guys doing out here?” And they said “ we got kicked out” And she said “ oh sorry” and they said “ it’s all right”
Sandy woke up and she just had breakfast to forget her dream.
Docking day
Aunty Mollie woke up Mikey and his brother early in the morning that there was still some stars
left from the night. Mikey woke up and his brother and rushed to have breakfast because
the van was going soon. They hopped in the car but once their aunty came they got squashed.
The little brother asked his uncle " Why do you cut of the sheep tail?" And the uncle replied
saying " it keeps them clean and stops flies laying eggs.
The grown up did most of it while the little ones just rolled down the hill.
The down has already done their job. Their was noises and noises and it got closer and closer
and it was coming towards them. The mothers sheep was getting worried. A chocolate van came
stopped and a man hopped out of the van and took some photo's.
Then the chocolate van fell down and the chocolate was spilling out and it went to wards the little
brother and the man was running towards the chocolate and he kept slipping and it was
the maddest docking day ever.
left from the night. Mikey woke up and his brother and rushed to have breakfast because
the van was going soon. They hopped in the car but once their aunty came they got squashed.
The little brother asked his uncle " Why do you cut of the sheep tail?" And the uncle replied
saying " it keeps them clean and stops flies laying eggs.
The grown up did most of it while the little ones just rolled down the hill.
The down has already done their job. Their was noises and noises and it got closer and closer
and it was coming towards them. The mothers sheep was getting worried. A chocolate van came
stopped and a man hopped out of the van and took some photo's.
Then the chocolate van fell down and the chocolate was spilling out and it went to wards the little
brother and the man was running towards the chocolate and he kept slipping and it was
the maddest docking day ever.
Friday, 25 October 2013
Narrative Writing Practice
The brother’s were fighting while the sister was just playing with her toys until she got bored. The little sister went off into the streets and ended up where the farm was she went in the farm and the plants were all tall that she couldn't see anything except for the sky.
The brother’s stopped fighting. Dallin went to where his little sister was and she wasn't there so he went inside the house and she wasn't there Dallin started panicking. He shouted her name out “Anne!” he repeated and repeated but no reply. Dallin told his brothers what happened and all the brothers were saying “ WHAT!” And Dallin said “She’s not where the toys are or in the house”. So they went in the car and showed a picture of Anne to people and they said “No sorry.” After that they stopped by the farm.
Anne was shouting and shouting their brothers names. The brothers hoped out of the car and separated while the other brother stayed in the car just incase their little sister might end up where the car was. They looked and looked it was night time and they still haven’t found Anne. Anne was crying and starving and her brothers were trying their best it was almost day time.
And one of the brothers found Anne and the brother returned her back in the car and the all the brother went other the car.
And they were all happy.
Thursday, 24 October 2013
In orienteering my partner was Rave we were the last ones to get our maps there was 4 maps
we had to do. As we were walking the man said " what are you looking for?" And we said "g"
he said " the letter g is down where the bottom field is in front of the car" and we looked where he
pointed and it was far away and rave said " you go there and I'll go there." So rave went to the close
one and I went to the far one. But Rave had to go where I was so I told her that you have
to go where I was and stable it. But she all ready done it with another stable.
We didn't get to do all four maps but we did 1 2 3. And it was fun.
we had to do. As we were walking the man said " what are you looking for?" And we said "g"
he said " the letter g is down where the bottom field is in front of the car" and we looked where he
pointed and it was far away and rave said " you go there and I'll go there." So rave went to the close
one and I went to the far one. But Rave had to go where I was so I told her that you have
to go where I was and stable it. But she all ready done it with another stable.
We didn't get to do all four maps but we did 1 2 3. And it was fun.
Friday, 18 October 2013
Matching Pictures
one so we thought it was a snake but then we figured it out it was a worm. After that we
had Mr Somerville marking our matching pictures and we had some of it right and some
of it wrong.
Tuesday, 15 October 2013
Mother goat and her seven kids
There was once a mother goat and her seven little kids. The mother is going somewhere and the mother said to her kids “ don’t open the door to anyone especially the hungry wolf” “okay” said the little kids.
The mother went and the wolf heard everything before the mother left. The wolf went to the door and said little kids open the door it’s me your mother and the little one said no because my mum has a squeaky voice like she is singing. And the wolf went singing practice so the wolf can so just like the mother.
The wolf went and said let me in i have some sweets from the market and the little one looked out the window and said “ you not my mother because my mother doesn't have a tail. And the wolf went to the dental clinic and said fix my tail before smash you and the dental clinic said “ Okay Okay” And the wolf went back and said little kids open the door and they opened it and the wolf got them.
And then the mother came back and then saw a the wolf and the mother smash them and the wolf went flying over the tree and the mother got their kids and then kissed the and gave the a slap on the ear for opening the door.
Docking day
Woke up had breakfast got ready and off the family went to docking day.
The grown up did all of it while the little ones just played and then had a feast.
There was noises and it got closer and louder that the couldn't even hear each other.
Then a chocolate van stopped and took Photos. But the the chocolate van fell down and
chocolate was falling down. And it was the maddest docking day ever.
Wednesday, 18 September 2013
Mrs Goat and her little seven kids
There was once a mother goat and her seven little kids. The mother is going somewhere and the mother said to her kids “ don’t open the door to anyone especially the hungry wolf” “okay” said the little kids.
The mother went and the wolf heard everything before the mother left. The wolf went to the door and said little kids open the door it’s me your mother and the little one said no because my mum has a squeaky voice like she is singing. And the wolf went singing practice so the wolf can so just like the mother.
The wolf went and said let me in i have some sweets from the market and the little one looked out the window and said “ you not my mother because my mother doesn't have a tail. And the wolf went to the dental clinic and said fix my tail before smash you and the dental clinic said “ Okay Okay” And the wolf went back and said little kids open the door and they opened it and the wolf got them.
And then the mother came back and then saw a the wolf and the mother smash them and the wolf went flying over the tree and the mother got their kids and then kissed the and gave the a slap on the ear for opening the door.
Ramonadel Maui and the sun
This is about a boy called Maui who was helping his village by teaching the sun a lesson because he was moving in the sky to fast for the villagers who wasn't able to fish and play with the kites.
Friday, 13 September 2013
Introduction for our D.L.O
This is our presentation for our D.L.O we did some pictures because we didn't really fished it and we weren't aloud to film so I hope you like it and leave some feedback. And I hope you enjoy our bloopers.
Wednesday, 4 September 2013
Sugar buns
1st you have to swift the flour into the bowl
2nd you have to get a teaspoon of baking powder and tip it into the bowl
3rd you have to put 3/4 of cup sugar and tip it into the bowl
4th you have to pinch 1 slot
5ht put one egg in with the yolk
6th one half of teaspoons
7th put one half of milk in
2nd you have to get a teaspoon of baking powder and tip it into the bowl
3rd you have to put 3/4 of cup sugar and tip it into the bowl
4th you have to pinch 1 slot
5ht put one egg in with the yolk
6th one half of teaspoons
7th put one half of milk in
Friday, 30 August 2013
Halves and quarters.
WALT - colour halves and quarters in different ways.
For the top picture I had half the 32 and it = 16 triangles.
On the bottom one I had to quarter the 32 triangles equals 8.
Monday, 26 August 2013
Friday, 16 August 2013
Earning Money The Big Egg
Earning Money
Alex, Nicole, and Vickie are friends who live in the same neighborhood. They wanted to earn some money to buy Christmas presents. “It's winter,” said Vickie. “There is lots of snow on the ground. Maybe people will hire us to shovel the snow on their driveways and sidewalks.” “We need to print out fliers and pass them around to all the houses,” said Nicole. Alex’s Dad helped the kids print out fliers. The three friends went to all the houses and put a flier in everyone's mailbox. First, Mrs. Jones hired the kids to shovel snow from her driveway. She said, “I have twin baby girls. I am much too busy to shovel the snow myself.” Then, Mrs. Smith hired them. She said, “I am very old, and the snow is much too heavy for me to move.” Then, Mr. Lee hired them. He said, “My driveway is much too big to shovel all by myself. Can you help me?” The kids worked very hard shoveling snow. It was cold, but they also had fun. They earned a total of $30. Now they could buy wonderful Christmas presents for their friends and families.
1. Why did Alex, Nicole, and Vickie want to earn money? so they can buy wonderful christmas present for their friends and family.
2. How did Alex's dad help? the kids print out fliers
a. he bought the shovels b. he helped them work c. he printed fliers d. he put the fliers in mailboxes
3. Alex, Nicole, and Vickie are... hard working
a. funny b. hard-working c. greedy d. sleepy
4. Why did Mr. Lee hire the kids to shovel snow? Because it was too big to do it by his self
5. Whose driveway are the kids
shoveling in this picture?
a. Mrs. Jones' b. Mrs. Smith's c. Mr. Lee's d. Alex's dad's
6. Whose idea was it to earn money by shoveling snow? vikey
The Big Egg
by Suzanne Francis
Sam lived on a farm and had a job to do. He had to wake up early every day to feed the chickens and get their eggs. One morning Sam went outside to do his job. He reached down and got three eggs from the first chicken. He reached down and got two eggs from the second chicken. He reached down and felt a huge egg under the third chicken. He could not believe it. The egg felt strange. It was much bigger and heavier than the others. He looked at with surprise. Sam smiled and said, “So that’s where my baseball went!”
1. What two things did Sam have to do each morning? feed the chickens and get their eggs
2. How many eggs did Sam collect before he found the “strange egg”? 5
3. What funny thing happened in this story? he thought that the baseball was an egg.
Wednesday, 14 August 2013
The ugly duckling
There were once a family of ducks the mum had a chick once it came out and it was different than the others it was grey while the other duck were yellow. The mum thought it was a different chick from another family. So the little chick decided to go somewhere else.
The grey chick thought he won't find anyone and the he will be alone forever and never had friends. While he was walking this lady just came over and then picked up the ugly duckling and then took care of it. The lady gave it a bath and as he grew and grew the owner of the chick took it to the pond where it is to post to be and one the chick went to the pond and look at it reflection.
And when he looked at his reflection he was grown and he and he saw everyone else and everyone was his friends and he lived happily ever after.
Friday, 9 August 2013
Thursday, 8 August 2013
The ugly duckling
Title: The ugly duckling
Author: Hans Christian Andersen
Characters (names, personalities, strengths, weaknesses): Ugly duckling, the brothers, the mum, farmyard folks,
Setting (Where is the story set. Describe the place in detail): Farm and a pond.
What was the problem? He looked like no one and he was all alone and had no friends.
What was the solution? He was found he was cared and he made friends.
What was the Moral of the Story? To talk to someone and tell them what is worn, Instead keeping your mouth close.
My favourite part of the story was? That when he was found and cared and had friends again.
Title: The ugly duckling
Author: Hans Christian Andersen
Characters (names, personalities, strengths, weaknesses): Ugly duckling, the brothers, the mum, farmyard folks,
Setting (Where is the story set. Describe the place in detail): Farm and a pond.
What was the problem? He looked like no one and he was all alone and had no friends.
What was the solution? He was found he was cared and he made friends.
What was the Moral of the Story? To talk to someone and tell them what is worn, Instead keeping your mouth close.
My favourite part of the story was? That when he was found and cared and had friends again.
Monday, 5 August 2013
Life is a stage
On the first day of school there were shows and theme was stage is life. Team one was a little bit hard but funny and the first one was easy.
Team 2 was great I like the singing and the dancing at the videos i really enjoyed it and it was kind of old school witch is really great.
Team 3 was really funny it was all about having a man and what they like and how they had a baby I really liked it.
Team 4 was really funny seeing Mr Somerville acting as a pig is really funny and Mr Marks and all the other teachers that were acting. And how Mr Marks ate the pigs and then got fast and then he he went to the brick house and it didn’t go down. It was really funny.
Team five was the best one how all the girls said if I were a boy and then Mr Bark said “ if I were a girl” And everyone laugh.
The hare and the tortoise race
Hi. My name is the Tortoise, And i have a really good reason. i’ve got short legs and I am really really slow ! I am really slow a chewing.
In a race, I came last Everytime . I am always the one that gets no medal. And it happens every time. Its not fair because they are all fast and i am the only slow one in the race. I blame the Aesop. he’s the one who wrote it.
It happened in March and that time of the year the hare go a bit crazy. I am so busy springing in the spring sometimes my thoughts quite keep up. Do you know what i’ll tell you what happened just so it can be clear and that it wasn’t really my fault. It can happened to anyone.
Do you know that old Hare that lives next to me witch is my next door? He is so bouncy like the first time i was watching him i thought he was bouncing on a trampoline. While he was bouncing i was getting ready for the challenge. While I was eating this Hare just came out of nowhere and said “ hey you’re not going to win anyways you should just stay home” While he was talking to me I was just still chewing.
The race has began everyone was getting ready for the race while i was just looking at everyone then i did what they were doing. After that we raced i was coming last but then everyone was slowing down and then i was coming first. While hare was coming last. Once i had finish the race i had my medal.
The tortoise was really happy but when he saw the hare walking away he felt sorry for him but happy at the same time. Once they had finish the tortoise went to the hare and said “ i won! yeah and you loose” and the hare looked sad and the tortoise went to him and said “ hey are you alright?” and the hare said “ yeah i’m alright “ saying it in a slowly voice. And the tortoise said “ ok just making sure bye have a nice day” but the tortoise saw the people coming to the picture of him but he didn’t like it but he said their theirs the winner pointing at hare’s house.
And the tortoise went home with his gold medal.
Thursday, 18 July 2013
the alive marshmallow and the little strong dog
There was once an little strong dog and a alive marshmallow. As the alive marshmallow was walking from school he went home and turned on the T.V and he felt something touching his leg and brushed against his leg the alive marshmallow was feeling strange. He looked down and he saw nothing so he turned of the T.V and he went to eat as he was eating he still felt the strange feeling down his leg he looked down again and he saw nothing again.
He stopped eating and he went to have a rest he couldn’t have a rest because that strange thing keep bothering him he fell asleep. When he woke up he didn’t feel the strange thing again but in a second he felt it again. So he went to play because he thinks maybe while he is playing it will fall off and go away so he won’t feel the strange feeling again. When he finished he looked down and he saw nothing again as he look down he felt it again so he went and wet his feet so it will be gone for ever. But he started to feel itchy now. the alive marshmallow got really angry and tired so he slapped his feet so it will be dead but he didn’t get it.
After that he tried to ignore it but he couldn't help. After that he touched where the itchy bit was and he got it and it was a little strong dog. And the alive marshmallow puted the strong dog in a glass box till it’s
grown and he felt nothing for the rest of the day.
Monday, 1 July 2013
Yr 5 and 6 trip
Our trip was amazing we get to see a lot of things like sharks sting rays a huge as fish, penguins, nimo the fish and dory the fish that comes on finding nimo. And craps. Especially fishes. If you want to come. Come to Kelly Tarlton's.
Tuesday, 18 June 2013
The Dragon Machine
It was raining and George looked outside the more he listened the more he saw the dragons
He saw.
He had dragons and he knew there was going to be trouble. The dragons was in the house making a mess.
Geroge feed them and he went to the library and the dragons got all the books and messed it up. George had to clean it up but it wasn't him.
He went to the shop and the dragons cracked the stuff and george said sorry i’ll clean it up but it wasn't him.
He went to get some advice and he had a map about dragons where they live and so they can be safe.
George made a dragon machine George flew the dragon machine and the dragons followed him but George was tired and when he woke up in the morning the dragon's were gone and he was lonely and George's parents came and got him and the dragon machine.
And they celebrated something and George had a dog.
But they didn’t know it was a dragon.
Monday, 17 June 2013
Adelie penguin
Hi I am going to tell you a story about Antarctic animals.
There is a girl standing high on the cliff while thee adelie penguin was building it nest and getting ready for summer.
When the adelie penguin walked so long and so far the girl new that they were from the cold ocean. The ocean was far away the when she stands on the cliff she can't even see it.
The sea ice usually breaks when it is summer but it didn't break now because it is very cold their. Sometimes when they have chicks they give up and then the chicks die.
There is a girl standing high on the cliff while thee adelie penguin was building it nest and getting ready for summer.
When the adelie penguin walked so long and so far the girl new that they were from the cold ocean. The ocean was far away the when she stands on the cliff she can't even see it.
The sea ice usually breaks when it is summer but it didn't break now because it is very cold their. Sometimes when they have chicks they give up and then the chicks die.
Friday, 7 June 2013
Wednesday, 5 June 2013
Thursday, 30 May 2013
Tuesday, 21 May 2013
Getting my new netbook at my old school

At my old school we when I was a year five and in my new classroom we got our netbook I was excited.
My friends and i was really happy when our teacher was giving it out our teacher called our name and she gave it to us but it was in a box.
Once she had finish we get to open it and it was shiny we get to have a little play on it them we had to learn how to go on our Google docs, our new blog, our new math whizz, our new xtra math and all those other stuff.
After that our teacher was showing us the rules for the netbook it was no playing games unless it is free time, Don’t put it on the floor, don’t eat while you're on your netbook, hold it with two hands, don’t hold it by the screen, don’t leave it at the corner of the table and all those other stuff and then we were finished.
Monday, 20 May 2013
Friday, 10 May 2013
On Thursday the ninth of May. It was a special day for Pt England School because a really famous person came to visit us and it was WILL.I.AM. Will.I.Am was brought up in a very small neighbourhood. He hasn't met his dad and his mum raised them. Now he has a big house and he has all the nice stuff because of his singing talent.
Will.I.Am gave us a check and it was $100,000 to the Manaiakalani schools.
Will.I.Am gave us a check and it was $100,000 to the Manaiakalani schools.
Thank you so much Will.I.Am
Wednesday, 8 May 2013
Core Sample
This afternoon I have been learning how to take core samples. We took samples from a cupcake and guessed what the core (inside) looked like. In real life geologists take samples of what is underneath the land.
Tuesday, 16 April 2013
Ramonadel Happy Dog
This movie is about a dog that found his bone.
I have been learning to animate using hyperstudio, imovie and vimeo.
Thursday, 11 April 2013
Ramonadel Omaru Creek Animation
I hope you enjoy and see how Omaru creek is awesome. Please leave feed back and sit back and relax.
Wednesday, 10 April 2013
Tuesday, 9 April 2013
Monday, 8 April 2013
Camp Presentation
This is what we did at camp.
Wednesday, 3 April 2013
Thursday, 28 March 2013
Pirate Story
“Ahoy my name is Captain Scottsdale. I live in a boat and I look through the telescope to look for pirate birds.
I know other pirates climb up to see things but I can’t cause I am fat as you see,” But then they hated Captain Scottsdale so then they fighted with their sored. Captain Scottsdale didn't fight with an sored he fighted with his and his stomach. And he knocked them out and then there was nothing to do because they were knocked out he went and looked around.
While he was walking around he smelt food but his goal was to not eat food only the healthy ones and do exercises. But he couldn’t help it so he just went he opened the car bored and it was his favourite food burgers. He ate it all once he finished the other pirate were awaked and they were hungry so the pirate went to the kitchen and they saw Captain Scottsdale and they were angry so one of them had one more bruger so the Pirate said “ here I have another one for you Captain Scottsdale,” But the pirate was leading Captain Scottsdale and the burger to the trap but the burger was where the trap was. Captain Scottsdale touched the burger and the trap was falling down but it came too late.Captain Scottsdale saw the trap so he quickly hopped out.
So Scottsdale was kind and gave each one of them a drink but then the pirate died because it was poisoned. But captain Scottsdale didn’t know.
So he just did nothing and he enjoined his day so he went to sleep.
Camp Concert
OP STARS dancing to the song called Jason Durulo Undefeated.
Thursday, 14 March 2013
Friday, 8 March 2013
Sunday, 24 February 2013
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